Medical Informatics - University of West Bohemia (CZE)
Our researchers help doctors to fight Crohn's disease
2018-12-03Medical informatics researches developed specialized software for acquiring and storing clinical and epidemiological data regarding Crohn disease and their consequent visual representation. At present, the software is used at the Pediatric clinic of the University Hospital, Plzeň.
The fulltext of this news is available in Czech:
Vědci z centra NTIS pomáhají lékařům bojovat s Crohnovou chorobou u dětí.
Czech-Bavarian research project BASIL started
2017-01-01Project BASIL running from October 2016 until September 2019 will develop an assistance system driven by brain waves for the persons with impaired mobility. Besides our team of UWB, two Bavarian companies are involved int the project. Their principal role is to provide sensors and get the final prototype to market. The project total budget is almost 900 thousands EUR, partly funded in the scope of the "Program přeshraniční spolupráce Česká republika - Svobodný stát Bavorsko (Cíl EÚS 2014 - 2020)".
The fulltext of this news is available in Czech:
Zahájeno řešení projeku Česko-Bavorské přeshraniční spolupráce BASIL.
The fulltext of this news is available in Czech:
Zahájeno řešení projeku Česko-Bavorské přeshraniční spolupráce BASIL.
Our paper has been selected for Editor's choice in Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
The full text of the paper is available at journal web pages.
On-line Blood Glucose Levels Calculation Launched
Our motivation to do so was as follows. A patient suffering from diabetes must be able to manage their blood glucose level in the desired range. As monitoring blood glucose level, due to an important discomfort to the patient it causes, can be done only sporadically, it is prefered to monitor glucose level in subcutaneous tissue, which is minimally invasive and can be done continuously. However, changes of blood glucose level cannot be always intuitively deduced from the continuously monitored glucose level in subcutaneous tissue. In the past, therefore, we proposed a sophisticated model of blood glucose dynamics thanks to which the blood glucose level can be calculated from the glucose values measured in subcutaneous tissue with an accuracy higher than is the case with other existing models. In order to get our model from academy to physicians and diabetics, we decided to develop a web portal that could display continuous blood glucose curve reconstructed from the glucose level of subcutaneous tissue. To our best knowledge, this is the very first web portal that does this.
The portal is not tied to any proprietary software, and the data are anonymized. Determining parameters of the model of glucose dynamics is a computationally intensive task. As a solution we decided to profit from a combination of C++ and Java EE technologies. The calculation methods are implemented in C++ to ensure sufficient performance. Java EE enables us to implement a flexible and sustainable web interface. The portal is available at The expected feedback from the diabetes community will drive the ongoing development of the portal and the method of blood glucose level calculation.