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Medical Informatics - University of West Bohemia (CZE)
Web: https://mi.kiv.zcu.cz
Web: https://mi.kiv.zcu.cz
All 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
VČELÁK, P., KLEČKOVÁ, J. Automatická identifikace a odstranění citlivých osobních údajů z obrazových dat ve formátu DICOM pro účely sekundárního využití. Šafránkův pavilon, Lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Plzeň, 2016.
Abstract: Patient data or description burned-in image and stored in the DICOM file format is problematic for any secondary use of imaging examinations. It is necessary to identify and remove all burned-in text with private health information.
STRNÁDEK, J., KOUTNÝ, T., KOHOUT, J. Introducing the effect of aging into the Honey Bee Mating Optimization to determine parameters for blood glucose level calculation. In USB Proceedings 2016 9th International Conference on Human System Interactions (HSI). Piscataway: IEEE, 2016. p. 96-102. ISBN 978-1-5090-1728-7
Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is one of the most frequent civilization diseases. It is characterized with elevated blood glucose level. Elevated blood glucose level damages multiple organs with an increased risk of death, mainly due to hypo- or hyperglycemic shock. Eventually, diabetic patient becomes dependent on insulin to maintain normal blood glucose level. Over-dosage of insulin can lead to death in a short period. Therefore, patient and his physician must be aware of patient?s blood glucose level. Patient does sporadic measuring of blood glucose level using a finger-stick. From time to time, the patient additionally wears a contin-uous glucose monitoring system. Such a system measures glucose level in subcutaneous tissue ? it does not measure blood glucose level. As these two glucose levels are not necessarily the same, a model of glucose dynamics is needed to calculate blood glucose level from subcutaneous tissue glucose level. In this paper, we present a modification of the Honey Bee Mating Optimization algorithm to determine parameters of glucose-dynamics model. The proposed modification intro duces effect of aging into the mating process. We demonstrate that aging improves parameter determination, especially when escaping local extreme of a fitness function.
PEŠTA, J., SLÍPKA, J., VOHLÍDKOVÁ, M., ETTLER, T., NOVÝ, P., VÁVRA, F. Kinematika hlasivek-nové parametry hodnocení. Otorinolaryngologie a foniatrie, 2016, Volume 65, Issue 2, p. 88-96. ISSN: 1210-7867
Abstract: This study deals with new findings about vocal folds kinematics acquired by using High?Speed Video camera. The parameters usually applied to measuring vocal folds kinematics are supplemented with new ones which are based on detection of glottis and determination of its main axis. Parameters of glottis symmetry and parameters of motion of glottis center point against its main axis are illustrated on selected case reports.
JEŽEK, P., MOUČEK, R. MoBio - A mobile application for collecting data from sensors. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health. Setúbal: SciTePress, 2016. p. 115-121. ISBN 978-989-758-180-9
Abstract: There are a lot of sensors for monitoring human health and/or fitness level on the market. They facilitate collection of data from the human body and advanced devices even facilitate data transfer to remote servers where the collected data are further processed. While health data, obtained e.g. from accelerometers or chest straps, are collected rather frequently, brain electrophysiology data, obtained from surface electrodes, are still collected relatively rarely. However, integration and correlation of brain signals with other sensory data would be very interesting for next research of physical and mental health. Although capturing brain signals in real environment still faces technological difficulties, current development of common infrastructure seems to be useful. Then this article deals with various architectures and data formats used for storage and transfer of sensory data and their possible integration with existing neuroinformatics approaches. As a solution we introduced a terminology describing data from a limited collection of sensors. The terminology is implemented in the odML format and integrated in a proof-of-concept Android application. Data transfer, storage and visualisation as well as integration with a remote neuroinformatics resource are presented.
KOUTNÝ, T., KRČMA, M., KOHOUT, J., JEŽEK, P., VARNUŠKOVÁ, J., VČELÁK, P., STRNÁDEK, J. On-Line Blood Glucose Level Calculation. Procedia Computer Science, 2016, Volume 2016, Issue 98, p. 228-235. ISSN: 1877-0509
Abstract: Diabetes is a silent disease. It is the 8th most common cause of death that does not hurt until it is too late and the disease has developed. Technology plays a vital role in managing diabetes and educating patients about importance of the treatment. The patient must be able to manage his blood glucose level. However, blood glucose level is measured sporadically as it causes important discomfort to the patient. Measuring glucose level in subcutaneous tissue is minimally invasive technique and thus considerably comfortable, but this level may be different from blood glucose level. We implemented a recently proposed method of blood glucose level calculation from the continuously measured subcutaneous tissue glucose level. Then, we developed a web portal that makes this method accessible to any doctor?s office and any diabetic patient. To the best of our knowledge, we are the very first web portal that does this. In this paper, we describe the portal.
ŠTĚBETÁK, J., MOUČEK, R. Ontology Based Description of Analytic Methods for Electrophysiology. In BIOSTEC 2016 ? Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, Volume 5: HEALTHINF. Setúbal: SciTiPress, 2016. p. 420-425. ISBN 978-989-758-170-0
Abstract: The growing electrophysiology research leads to the collection of large amounts of experimental data and consequently to the broader application, eventually development of analytic methods, algorithms, and workflows. Then appropriate metadata definition and related data description is critical for long term storage and later identification of experimental data. Although a detailed description of electrophysiology data has not become a commonly used procedure so far, publicly available and well described data have started to appear in professional journals. The next reasonable step is to shift attention to the analysis of electrophysiology data. Since the analysis of this kind of data is rather complex, identification and appropriate description of used methods, algorithms and workflows would help reproducibility of the research in the field. This description would also allow developing automatic or semi-automatic systems for data analysis or constructing complex workflows in a more user friendly way. Based on these assumptions authors present a custom ontology for description of analytic methods and workflows in electrophysiology that is proposed to be discussed within the scientific community.
KOUTNÝ, T. Using meta-differential evolution to enhance a calculation of a continuous blood glucose level. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2016, Volume 133, Issue September 2016, p. 45-54. ISSN: 0169-2607
Abstract: We developed a new model of glucose dynamics. The model calculates blood glucose level as a function of transcapillary glucose transport. In previous studies, we validated the model with animal experiments. We used analytical method to determine model parameters. In this study, we validate the model with subjects with type 1 diabetes. In addition, we combine the analytic method with meta-differential evolution. To validate the model with human patients, we obtained a data set of type 1 diabetes study that was coordinated by Jaeb Center for Health Research. We calculated a continuous blood glucose level from continuously measured interstitial fluid glucose level. We used 6 different scenarios to ensure robust validation of the calculation. Over 96% of calculated blood glucose levels fit A+B zones of the Clarke Error Grid. No data set required any correction of model parameters during the time course of measuring. We successfully verified the possibility of calculating a continuous blood glucose level of subjects with type 1 diabetes. This study signals a successful transition of our research from an animal experiment to a human patient. Researchers can test our model with their data on-line at https://diabetes.zcu.cz.